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Our boy

Our girls

In memoriam

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Welcome to my web site!
I am Tibetan Terriers breeder and fancier since 1994. We live in the Czech Republic in the small
village near the Austrian border. Four Tibetan Terriers are members of our family now, a male
Pam-Zamirin Ibex-Ifii from Finland and three females - our old lady Anta Witty,
Dendrobates' Lynette from Germany and the youngest Pam-Zamirin Pasific Romance from Finland.

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Contact:         Martina Machacova

letter[1].gif (25129 bytes) od-vilzonky@volny.cz dopis[1].gif (3164 bytes) F.B. Zveriny 214,
CZ-675 55 Hrotovice,
Czech Republic
phone[1].gif (334 bytes) +420 - 568 863 669
+420 -
604 252 720